Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Seminar chapters 5-7 and Kahoots

Today Chloe and Sonia will lead us in our seminar for chapters 5-7 of "Girl Missing".

Everyone should be active in answering the questions.

We will use the lollipop sticks to get everyone to answer.

Here are the questions for chapter 5-7

Chapter 5 
1) Describe what Jam has for tea. 
2) What did Carla tell the new games teacher? 
3) What does Lauren decide to ask Carla? 
4) What did Carla give them for Biology homework the last time Lauren was there? 
5) How does she refer to Lauren’s mother?
 6) What does Carla agree to do? 

Chapter 6 
1) What does Jam call Carla’s Room of Utter Peace? '
2) Describe the room. 
3) What did Carla ask her to imagine? 
4) Describe the scene that came into Lauren’s mind. 
5) How did she feel when Carla woke her? 
6) Do you think Carla should have put Lauren into a state of deep relaxation like this? Why? 
7) In your opinion, what are the themes of this book? 

Chapter 7 
1) What is Rory’s current obsession? 
2) Why is Lauren being nice to Rory? 
3) Calculate how much it would cost a family of four to fly from Ireland to Boston. What factors do you have to consider? 
4) How does Lauren intend to get from Boston to Marchfield? 
5) Why does her mother change her mind about going on holiday? 
6) Why does her mother mention sleeping arrangements?

After the questions, there will be 25 words.
Any new words should be on your wordlist if you still have space.

Finally we will do some of the Kahoots today and the rest on Monday. Make sure you ALL send in your answers for the questions from Monday's blog based on the "Family Foster" film about the importance of English.


Monday, 28 January 2019

Girl Missing- seminar for week 6 and English speaking world

Here are the questions for chapters 8 & 9 that will make up the seminar for week 6.

Mathilda will be responsible for the seminar

Chapter 8 

1) What had caused a nasty panic on the Thursday evening? 

2) How does Lauren describe Jam? 

3) What does Jam say about the money? 

4) What story did they tell the girl at the ticket desk? 

 5) Describe the dream Lauren had when she was on the bus. What do you think this tells us?  

6) What does she realize she had forgotten to do? 

7) Picture Main Street in your mind. What sort of atmosphere do you think the author is trying to create? 

8) Why do you think Jam’s heart was beating so fast?

Chapter 9 

1) Look at the title of this chapter. Why do you think the author chose this title?   What does it suggest? 

2) Describe what the agency building looks like. 

3) Is there anything that makes you think Mr. Tarsen might have something to hide? 

4) What reasons does Mr. Tarsen give for not being able to help Lauren? 

5) Why does Lauren mention Sonia Holtwood? 

6) What does Mr. Tarsen say about her?

7) Why do you think he gives Lauren $150? 

8) What does Jam say they will have to do?  

Everyone needs to have read these chapters by then (Wednesday next week)

By This Wednesday you need to read chapters 5-7. Sonja and Chloe will lead the seminar.( see last Wednesday's blog for the questions)

. The seminars will consist of:

  • Questions which you will ask to the class
  • 25 words from your chapters which you ask the students to explain
  • One quote from your chapters which you think is important. Ask the other students why?

Today we will continue with our project about 
"The English speaking world"

Here is the link to the film we saw last time.

I want you to work in pairs and do a Kahoot about the program with 6 questions about the history of English.

Here are some words and dates which I would like you to match. Send me the correct answers on an e-mail

1. Blaydon Races          a) Invasion of the French

2. David Crystal            b) First English newspaper

3. 793                            c) Expert on English

4. 1066                          d) Start of the BBC

5. 1922(27)                   e) Running for 6 miles

6. Geordie                    f) First texts in English          
7. Lindisfarne gospels g) Dialect from Newcastle

8. Angles                     h) First printing press

9. 1476             i) Tribe from whom English comes

10. 1702                     j) Viking invasion 

Time over?

Please work on your wordlist or read "Girl Missing"

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Follow-up MLK /High School Programmes plus An English speaking world

  • To follow-up the work we did on MLK and influencers
  • To follow-up the work on High School Programmes
  • To do a digital wordlist by Wednesday week 5
  • To start to work with a project about an English speaking world

So, how did you get on with the work about MLK? Most people did it and sent it.
There were 3 questions:
  1. Five facts about one of MLK's influencers and why were they an inspiration
  2. Who influences you?
  3. How do you want to influence people in the future?
Some of the answers were excellent and most were quite ok

2. High School Programmes
Everyone will get a document with the work I received.
Please read out your "programme" for us.
By next Wednesday do a digital wordlist with 25 words and sentences

3. An English speaking world. We will start a project today.
Here is some materials from NE. We will go through them today.

Next week I will give you some writing topics and i want you to choose one.

English Around the World Today

In countries where Spotify is popular, only Spain, Argentina and Chile have less than 60% of songs played in English. It is estimated that 55% of all web pages are in English.
And where can you find the most movies being made? If you are thinking Hollywood, you’d be wrong. In fact, it’s not even second. The largest film industry is India – often called Bollywood – with 3000 films every year. Nigeria comes in second with Hollywood in third place.
Many people listen to and communicate in English in their everyday life: listen to English music, play computer games in English, watch English programs and read English newspapers and magazines. 
English around the world today

How Did It All Start?

Watch this video clip and answer the questions.
Film talk
Worksheet about the program

English on the Map Today

Look at the map to see where and how English is used around the world.  
British and American

Why is English the World Language?

Have a look at this picture with words.

Monday, 21 January 2019

MLK and "Girl Missing"

Today is "Martin Luther King Day". In the USA, it has been a special remembrance day since 1986...
However it took 14 years for all the States to acknowledge it.

Today we are going to talk about the theme of INFLUENCERS. Through our lives we can all influence people to make choices and we are all influenced by others.

Let us now look at Martin Luther King.

In his many famous speeches he spoke about the people who influenced him.
HERE is a link to an interesting article about 10 people who influenced him.

His life has been an inspiration for many people and he has been one of the great influencers of the last century.

Not surprising when we relive one of his greatest speeches "I have a dream" which was listened to by 500,000 people in Washington D.C.

But who has Dr. King influenced? Many, many people. I know I am one of them!

Here is someone who tells his story:-

So, in what way did he influence a WHOLE SOCIETY (USA)? Here are 5 things he did.. Read about them in this article.

So what about you and me?
Who influences you and how do you want to influence people in the future?
Write down a few thoughts and send them to me.

Now let us turn to our novel "Girl Missing". We are going to study it together by having short seminars every week. The seminar will consist of:

  • Questions which you will ask to the class
  • 25 words from your chapters which you ask the students to explain
  • One quote from your chapters which you think is important. Ask the other students why?

Here is the list:-
Week 5            chapters 5-7 (2 students) Sonia & Chloe
Week 6            chapters 8-9 .   Matilda
Week 7            chapters 10-11 Clara
Week 8            chapters 12-14 (2 students) Linn & Malin
Week 10          chapters15-17 (2 students) Ellen & Ruxandra
Week 11          chapters 18-20 (2 students)  Fia & Fideli
Week 12          chapters 21-22   Wilma
Week 14          chapters 23-24   Elias
Week 15          chapters 25-26   Fanny
Week 16          chapters 27-28   Conor
Week 18          chapters 29-31 (2 students) Mia & Edith
Week 19          chapters 32-36 (2 students) Hannes & Lucas
Week 20          chapters 37-40 (2 students) . Lisa & Elsa

Fill in the paper list which is circulating in the classroom.

Here are the questions for chapter 5-7

Chapter 5 
1) Describe what Jam has for tea. 
2) What did Carla tell the new games teacher? 
3) What does Lauren decide to ask Carla? 
4) What did Carla give them for Biology homework the last time Lauren was there? 
5) How does she refer to Lauren’s mother?
 6) What does Carla agree to do? 

Chapter 6 
1) What does Jam call Carla’s Room of Utter Peace? '
2) Describe the room. 
3) What did Carla ask her to imagine? 
4) Describe the scene that came into Lauren’s mind. 
5) How did she feel when Carla woke her? 
6) Do you think Carla should have put Lauren into a state of deep relaxation like this? Why? 
7) In your opinion, what are the themes of this book? 

Chapter 7 
1) What is Rory’s current obsession? 
2) Why is Lauren being nice to Rory? 
3) Calculate how much it would cost a family of four to fly from Ireland to Boston. What factors do you have to consider? 
4) How does Lauren intend to get from Boston to Marchfield? 
5) Why does her mother change her mind about going on holiday? 
6) Why does her mother mention sleeping arrangements?

Wednesday, 16 January 2019


Today Helena will be coming to start talking about "High School" studies (In the UK we say college or sixth-form)

You need to start thinking about what your next step is on the way to your dream job.

Skolverket has translated some of the information about the 18 national programmes.

HERE is the Link.

We are going to allocate a programme to each person.

  • Write down 5 new words from your programme
  • Write down 1 or 2 possible jobs you can do after studying this programme
  • What kind of programme is it? Vocational (yrkesprogram) or diploma (studieförberedande)

Monday, 14 January 2019

Try new methods week- Pröva på vecka

Before we start:-

  • Class Hosts for this week
  • Evaluation of Study technique days.
  • Here is the link

  • To practise different resources in order to improve your English
  • To  train all the four language skills- reading, writing, speaking and listening
  • To work on different methods of learning new words (cards, recording, word frequency lists association etc)
  • To work on grammar and realia

Today we are going to move on from our day when we talked about study techniques.

This week we are going to work on all of the skills and methods we talked about last week

We can start off by going in TODAY on

You will choose one resource to practise:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking
Note the resource you choose

In order to practise vocabulary go in on the page called "Centre of communication"- Words are CENTRAL to all communication

Choose an area (feelings, food etc). Write down 15 words and then practise different methods of learning them (word cards; recording; language exercises; rhymes and songs;  association etc)

Finally under the "Centre of Communication" page- click on "English speaking countries and work a short while on 
by choosing a country and learning some facts about it

Wednesday, 9 January 2019



Ha fokus på de fyra färdigheterna - “speaking”, “reading”, “writing” och “listening”.
Men du behöver även kunna grammatik, ständigt utöka ditt ordförråd
och ha realiakunskaper (kunskaper om engelsktalande länder).

Våga använda nya ord och sätt in dem i ett sammanhang.
Uttala de nya orden högt.
Lär dig de fonetiska tecknen. Läs dem varje gång du lär dig ett nytt ord så att du får rätt uttal.
Tips: - introduktion till fonetik - det fonetiska alfabetet på engelska

Läsa på engelska högt för sig själv eller för någon.
Översätta till svenska högt - mening för mening eller hela stycken/texter.
Dramatisera texter när det är olika repliker i texten.

Struktur (ej för långa meningar, styckesindelningar)
Faktatexter - Inte översätta svenska texter utan använd engelska hemsidor.
Det går inte att ordagrant översätta svenska till engelska
eftersom det blir fel på många sätt - inte bara grammatiskt utan även rent talesmässigt.
Idétorka - Utgå från ditt eget intresseområde om du har möjlighet att fritt välja ämne ex.
Kunna beskriva
Kunna berätta om sig själv


Överlappa färdigheter
“Read and Write” - en elev läser högt ett stycke och en annan
elev skriver ner det hen hör. Sedan jämför eleverna den skrivna
texten med orginaltexten och rättar tillsammans.

Ex. oregelbundna verb - “nöta in”
Läs alltid igenom grammatikregeln först innan du gör övningarna
När du lärt dig en regel kan du själv lära ut den till en klasskompis
eller till klassen för då lär man sig bäst.
Kunna prepositionerna för att kunna beskriva.

“Frequently used words” - lista. Viktigt att kunna sätta in och använda
det nya orden i ett sammanhang ex i en mening eller i en liten text.

Du behöver kunna fakta om engelskatalande länder.
Du behöver kunna jämföra Sverige med några engelskatalande länder.
Du behöver veta hur man lever i olika engelsktalande länder.
Det finns olika sätt att arbeta med realia - göra en resebroschyr,
göra ett reseprogram (film/ljud) eller göra en presentation eller dramatiering.
Det kan vara kul att brevväxla med elever från engelsktalande länder.
Man kan chatta med skolor från engelsktalande länder.

Lär dig nya språk rekordsnabbt!

Studieteknik engelska!

Inspelade lektioner!

Glöm inte! - För att bli riktigt bra på ett språk behöver du:
Vara motiverad
Lägga ner tid på att lära!
Göra övningarna ordentligt!
Träna, träna, träna!

Good luck with your English studies!