Wednesday 5 December 2018

Mike's challenge plus Girl Missing Chapter 4

  • To work on building up your vocabulary
  • To do some reading comprehension
  • To finish off the work from chapters 1-4 of "Girl Missing"
  • To decide if you want to do Mike's challenge and do it!
First of all, from now onwards there will be an extra assignment on the blog called:
Take it or fake it
Use it or lose it!
The decision is yours.

Here is challenge NUMBER 1
Open it! Copy it! Paste it into a word document
Answer it and share it with me.

Thanks for many wordlists that you sent me. I will get them back to you by next Monday.

Now the work on "Girl Missing"
Chapter 1- Questions (all done except 1 person)
Chapter 2- Questions (over half of the class done)
Chapter 3- 5 questions to me for answering
Chapter 4
TODAY- Who said this? (see document)

Time over?

1. Read Theory
2. ESL-Lab (see link on side of blog)

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