Wednesday 20 February 2019

Girl Missing- chapters 12-14; listening results and reading (one task)

Today we will continue with our seminars about "Girl Missing". Linn and Malin will lead us through chapters 12-14
Here are the questions:-
Girl Missing chapters 12-14

Chapter 12

1. How does Lauren describe the town of Leavington? Give some examples from the text that can show what she means.

2. Why was the taxi (cab) driver annoyed with Lauren and Jam?

3. What is the direct feeling when Jam and Lauren get out of the cab?

4. Who opened the door of the apartment and how did that person react?

5. Who could help Lauren to give some information about Sonia?

6. What had the old lady done?

Chapter 13
1. What does Lauren learn about Sonia Holtwood?

2. What does Lauren learn about her childhood and her own time spent in Lincoln Heights?

3. Lauren makes the decision not to call the Police or Social Services or the website. Do you think this is a wise decision? Give reasons for your answer.

4. Lauren does not want anyone, other than herself, making decisions about what to do. What does this tell you about her personality?

5. Lauren and Jam now find they have been cheated by the cab driver. What do you think they should do and why?

Chapter 14

1. There is a building of suspense in this chapter. Name some of the events that create the suspense.

2 Jam and Lauren get into the car because they think the woman is a policewoman and they will be safe. Do you think they were right to do this? Would you have made the same decision? Why or why not?

3. Who is the real driver of the car and how does she know where to find Jam and Lauren?

4. What do you think she will do to Jam and Lauren?

5. What important information does Lauren learn from Sonia?

After the seminar we will quickly look at the results of the listening tests.
As you can see, the results of the first part were much higher than the second.

In fact nobody had 14/14 on the "Environmental News" section.

Finally today we will do one short task from a Reading part of the National Exam.

Fill in the correct word to complete the idiomatic phrase- Small Talk

As this is our final class before the Winter break,
I want to wish you all the best and DON'T break anything on the break 

Monday 18 February 2019

checking out the level for the National Test

Good afternoon everyone.

On Wednesday it will be Linn and Malin who are taking us through chapters 12 to 14 of "Girl Missing".

Last Wednesday most students could answer the text questions but there are still a a lot of gaps with the words.

Talking of words that's one thing we are going to look at today.

We are going to two listening exercises and one reading to practise the level of the National test

Always check the words. Most words are ok but words like bring, get and take can mean so many different things.
Look at the first example in:
"What's it all about?"
Bring up- in Sweden it can mean:
"ta upp" "väcka" " spy" "fostra/uppfostra"

How about "Bring it on"

Here are some examples:

Bring something about – cause it to happen
Bring someone round – make him conscious again
Bring up – a) raise a child; b) cause something to be considered; c) vomit
Bring down – cause to be lower
Bring off – cause to be successful; succeed in an attempt
Bring on – lead to; help to produce
Bring out – cause to appear clearly
Bring somebody round to (one’s opinion) – cause or persuade him to accept it or agree with it
Bring out – publish
Bring in – introduce
Phrasal verbs with bring exercise
Complete the following sentences.
1. His dishonesty brought …………………….. his ruin.
a) in                       b) about               c) out
2. The government plans to bring …………………………….. a new legislation to eliminate corruption.
a) in                       b) round              c) about
3. Vitamin deficiency brings …………………………….. many ailments.
a) in                       b) on                     c) down
4. The publisher is bringing ……………………………. a new edition of this book.
a) out                    b) on                     c) down
5. He was hit hard on the head but the doctors managed to bring him …………………………… after a while.
a) about               b) round              c) on
6. At last I brought him ………………………………. to my opinion.
a) about               b) round              c) up
7. The matter was brought ……………………………….. by a member of the council.
a) up                      b) about               c) out
Now let's do the first listening test...

2. Environmental News
A series of items from different places all about the environment (miljön)
Don't forget to scan the text for clues (ledtrådar)
If we have any time at the end we will do some reading. Otherwise we will wait until Wednesday.
Good luck!

Thursday 14 February 2019

Girl Missing chapters 12-14

Here are the questions for next week for chapters 12-14. The leaders of the seminar will be LINN and MALIN

Girl Missing chapters 12-14

Chapter 12

1. How does Lauren describe the town of Leavington? Give some examples from the text that can show what she means.

2. Why was the taxi (cab) driver annoyed with Lauren and Jam?

3. What is the direct feeling when Jam and Lauren get out of the cab?

4. Who opened the door of the apartment and how did that person react?

5. Who could help Lauren to give some information about Sonia?

6. What had the old lady done?

Chapter 13
1. What does Lauren learn about Sonia Holtwood?

2. What does Lauren learn about her childhood and her own time spent in Lincoln Heights?

3. Lauren makes the decision not to call the Police or Social Services or the website. Do you think this is a wise decision? Give reasons for your answer.

4. Lauren does not want anyone, other than herself, making decisions about what to do. What does this tell you about her personality?

5. Lauren and Jam now find they have been cheated by the cab driver. What do you think they should do and why?

Chapter 14

1. There is a building of suspense in this chapter. Name some of the events that create the suspense.

2 Jam and Lauren get into the car because they think the woman is a policewoman and they will be safe. Do you think they were right to do this? Would you have made the same decision? Why or why not?

3. Who is the real driver of the car and how does she know where to find Jam and Lauren?

4. What do you think she will do to Jam and Lauren?

5. What important information does Lauren learn from Sonia?

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Girl Miissing chapters 10 & 11

Today it will be Clara's turn to lead the "Girl Missing" seminar for chapter 10 & 11
Here are the questions:-

Chapter 10

1) Do you think this is a good title for this chapter? Give reasons for your answer.

2) Where are Lauren and Jam?

3) Why do you think the girl who comes to the door giggles?

4) Why does Jam blush?

5) How does the author create a sense of danger as Lauren and Jam make their way to the Marchfield Adoption Agency?

6) Why does the burglar alarm not go off?

7) How do they open the filing cabinet?

8) What does Lauren find in her file?

Chapter 11

1) Who chased Jam and Lauren when they escaped from the building?

2) What  means of transport did they want to use to leave the town? Why?

3) The word on the paper was not “leaving”. What was it?

4) Why did Jam not agree with Lauren that they should go to the address on the paper?

5) What word did Jam use to describe Lauren which made her very upset?

6) What did Lauren do so that Jam would not see that she was crying?

7) Lauren said she would go to Leavington on her own. What happens at the end of the chapter ?

  • 25 words
  • 1 quote
 At the end of the lesson you will have time to finish off your "Family Foster" writing or do a new quiz.

Monday 11 February 2019

Corrections and writing

Today we have two tasks.

1. Correct your word lists....

I get very little feedback from you about your word lists.

Today I want you to correct the word list you have got back. Anyone who hasn't sent in the word list for week 5, today is the last day!!

Spelling  Grammar               Swenglish               Excellent

Correct your spelling mistakes

Correct the grammar mistakes

Rephrase the Swenglish 


There is even a word list for this week which needs to be sent in by Friday..Why not use some of the words which are above on the blog... or better still the words which Clara will present this Wednesday...

 When you get the word list back make sure you correct it and re-send it as you will do today.


Finish off your writing assignment today!

First listen to ONE of the films in the series
Take notes as you listen so that you can answer the following questions:-

1. How important is English in your country? Give some examples (at least 30 words)

2. How did English become an important language in your country? (at least 20 words)

3. Write about one person in the film who comes from your country. Tell me ALL about the person's life and how they use English in their daily activities (at least 50 words)