Wednesday 20 February 2019

Girl Missing- chapters 12-14; listening results and reading (one task)

Today we will continue with our seminars about "Girl Missing". Linn and Malin will lead us through chapters 12-14
Here are the questions:-
Girl Missing chapters 12-14

Chapter 12

1. How does Lauren describe the town of Leavington? Give some examples from the text that can show what she means.

2. Why was the taxi (cab) driver annoyed with Lauren and Jam?

3. What is the direct feeling when Jam and Lauren get out of the cab?

4. Who opened the door of the apartment and how did that person react?

5. Who could help Lauren to give some information about Sonia?

6. What had the old lady done?

Chapter 13
1. What does Lauren learn about Sonia Holtwood?

2. What does Lauren learn about her childhood and her own time spent in Lincoln Heights?

3. Lauren makes the decision not to call the Police or Social Services or the website. Do you think this is a wise decision? Give reasons for your answer.

4. Lauren does not want anyone, other than herself, making decisions about what to do. What does this tell you about her personality?

5. Lauren and Jam now find they have been cheated by the cab driver. What do you think they should do and why?

Chapter 14

1. There is a building of suspense in this chapter. Name some of the events that create the suspense.

2 Jam and Lauren get into the car because they think the woman is a policewoman and they will be safe. Do you think they were right to do this? Would you have made the same decision? Why or why not?

3. Who is the real driver of the car and how does she know where to find Jam and Lauren?

4. What do you think she will do to Jam and Lauren?

5. What important information does Lauren learn from Sonia?

After the seminar we will quickly look at the results of the listening tests.
As you can see, the results of the first part were much higher than the second.

In fact nobody had 14/14 on the "Environmental News" section.

Finally today we will do one short task from a Reading part of the National Exam.

Fill in the correct word to complete the idiomatic phrase- Small Talk

As this is our final class before the Winter break,
I want to wish you all the best and DON'T break anything on the break 

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