Monday 18 February 2019

checking out the level for the National Test

Good afternoon everyone.

On Wednesday it will be Linn and Malin who are taking us through chapters 12 to 14 of "Girl Missing".

Last Wednesday most students could answer the text questions but there are still a a lot of gaps with the words.

Talking of words that's one thing we are going to look at today.

We are going to two listening exercises and one reading to practise the level of the National test

Always check the words. Most words are ok but words like bring, get and take can mean so many different things.
Look at the first example in:
"What's it all about?"
Bring up- in Sweden it can mean:
"ta upp" "väcka" " spy" "fostra/uppfostra"

How about "Bring it on"

Here are some examples:

Bring something about – cause it to happen
Bring someone round – make him conscious again
Bring up – a) raise a child; b) cause something to be considered; c) vomit
Bring down – cause to be lower
Bring off – cause to be successful; succeed in an attempt
Bring on – lead to; help to produce
Bring out – cause to appear clearly
Bring somebody round to (one’s opinion) – cause or persuade him to accept it or agree with it
Bring out – publish
Bring in – introduce
Phrasal verbs with bring exercise
Complete the following sentences.
1. His dishonesty brought …………………….. his ruin.
a) in                       b) about               c) out
2. The government plans to bring …………………………….. a new legislation to eliminate corruption.
a) in                       b) round              c) about
3. Vitamin deficiency brings …………………………….. many ailments.
a) in                       b) on                     c) down
4. The publisher is bringing ……………………………. a new edition of this book.
a) out                    b) on                     c) down
5. He was hit hard on the head but the doctors managed to bring him …………………………… after a while.
a) about               b) round              c) on
6. At last I brought him ………………………………. to my opinion.
a) about               b) round              c) up
7. The matter was brought ……………………………….. by a member of the council.
a) up                      b) about               c) out
Now let's do the first listening test...

2. Environmental News
A series of items from different places all about the environment (miljön)
Don't forget to scan the text for clues (ledtrådar)
If we have any time at the end we will do some reading. Otherwise we will wait until Wednesday.
Good luck!

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