Wednesday 17 April 2019

Wednesday's lesson with Janvier.

Welcome to our last English class before the Easter holidays.

Today Conor will lead the seminar under the leadership of Janvier..

Same procedure as last time!

Here are the questions for chapters 27 & 28:-
Chapter 27
1) What age was Shelby when Lauren disappeared?

2) What had Madison imagined? Why do you think she had thought this?

3) Madison says she likes imagining being other people. What does this suggest to us?

4) What news did MJ have?

5) Who does MJ believe?

Chapter 28

1) What have Lauren’s adoptive parents been charged with?

2) Why does Lauren push the cake away?

3) What does Shelby say her parents want?

4) Why do you think she is being so cruel?

5) Describe Lauren’s room.

6) How often does Lauren have contact with MJ? Why is this?

7) This chapter ends up in a very sad way? Explain in what way.

After the questions: Conor will test you on 25 words..
Remember please that this is week 16...

There should be a word list coming my way this week (some have still not sent in the lists for week 12 or 14!!)

 Ok, joking aside.. After a short brain break Janvier will tell you a little bit about himself and his background from Burundi...

Time to spare?
Please complete your exercise based on a text from the Happy book. ALTERNATIVE Complete your word list and sent it in to me!!

We will be having our Spanish lesson today!!

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