Monday 6 May 2019

Girl Missing on Wednesday English quiz and some more

Here are the remaining chapters of Girl Missing

Week 19          chapters 29-31 (2 students) Mia & Edith  (now on Wednesday)
Week 20          chapters 32-36 (2 students) Hannes & Lucas
Week 21          chapters 37-40 (2 students)  Lisa & Elsa

Here are the questions for chapters 29-31

Chapter 29

1) a)What is the Josephine May and why does Lauren talk about it?

b) How do Lauren and Jam keep in touch during this time?

2) How did Sonia Holtwood pick her new identities?

3) Why are the Purditts trying to prevent Lauren’s adoptive parents from having access visits?

4)Do you think the Purditts are justified?

5) Why does Annie say she stopped living when Lauren went missing?

 6) What does she say that stuns Lauren?

Chapter 30

1) How does Lauren describe how Madison looks at the beginning of this chapter?

2) Why does she look like this?

 3) Were we given any hint of this earlier in the novel?

 4) Who does Lauren think the text is from?

5) Do you think she is right? Give reasons for your answer.

Chapter 31

1. Sam takes Lauren to meet her grandparents. Lauren finds it very easy to talk openly with her grandmother. Why do you think Lauren feels this way?

2. What is her grandmother’s name?

3. Glane reappears! what role does Glane play in the novel?
Give several ideas about this
 Hint: Think about the things he has said to Lauren – things that no one else does. What effect does he have on Lauren?

Today we start off with a quiz for everyone except Mia and Edith (they will work on the questions for Wednesday and the 25 words from their chapters).

After the quiz you will also get a chance to prepare for the seminar by reading and preparing your answers..

Time over?
Complete your "Happy" exercise and mail it to me
or do one of the exercises available on paper!

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