Wednesday 8 May 2019

Girl Missing and a new quiz

Today we will give Mia and Edith the chance to lead the seminar for chapters 29-31 of "Girl Missing:

Chapter 29

1) a)What is the Josephine May and why does Lauren talk about it?

b) How do Lauren and Jam keep in touch during this time?

2) How did Sonia Holtwood pick her new identities?

3) Why are the Purditts trying to prevent Lauren’s adoptive parents from having access visits?

4)Do you think the Purditts are justified?

5) Why does Annie say she stopped living when Lauren went missing?

 6) What does she say that stuns Lauren?

Chapter 30

1) How does Lauren describe how Madison looks at the beginning of this chapter?

2) Why does she look like this?

 3) Were we given any hint of this earlier in the novel?

 4) Who does Lauren think the text is from?

5) Do you think she is right? Give reasons for your answer.

Chapter 31

1. Sam takes Lauren to meet her grandparents. Lauren finds it very easy to talk openly with her grandmother. Why do you think Lauren feels this way?

2. What is her grandmother’s name?

3. Glane reappears! what role does Glane play in the novel?
Give several ideas about this

 Hint: Think about the things he has said to Lauren – things that no one else does. What effect does he have on Lauren?

Then, as usual, there will be 25 words from these chapters to comment/translate..

After a short brain break we have a new quiz for the most recent week. We will use the usual procedure and hopefully we will have the chance to distribute some ice creams :-)

Here are the questions for LUCAS and HANNES for next week. MAKE SURE that everyone has read the relevant chapters...

Chapter 32

1. Who do you think would send such a threatening text to Lauren and why?

2. Lauren gets a surprise when Jam shows up in the middle of the night. How did he manage to get there?

3. What do they decide to do?

4. Do you think their decision is a wise one? Give reasons for your answer.

Chapter 33
1. At the marina Lauren begins to think about all the people involved in her life who have been affected by her actions. Write down at LEAST THREE things

2. How has Lauren changed from the person she was at the beginning of the novel?

3.Can you find evidence to show how she has changed and matured?

4. Can you find any evidence of internal conflict (inside a person) in this chapter?

5. The chapter ends with a menacing text: “Boat. Now. Or ur sister dies.” Who do you think sent this text? Has Lauren put Madison’s life in danger by her decision to bring Madison with her and Jam?

Chapter 34
1. Where does Lauren find Madison? In what condition does she find her?

 2. Who else is there?

Chapter 35 & 36
1. What is Sonia going to do to Lauren and Madison?

2. What do you learn about Sonia and her involvement in kidnapping Lauren?

3. There is a lot of suspense in these chapters. Can you explain how the author builds up the suspense so that we are now very worried about Lauren and Madison’s safety?

4. Can you think of any way that Lauren and Madison can escape?

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