Monday 13 May 2019

Girl Missing- preparations for the last chapters

Today we will prepare for the final chapters of "Girl Missing".

This Wednesday Lucas and Hannes will take us through chapters 32-36 (The questions are on last Wednesday's blog).

Then Wednesday week 21 (22 May)
it will be Lisa and Elsa who finish off our trip through "Girl Missing"

Here are their questions:-

Chapter 37

1. Where do Frank and Sonia go?

2. The boat is now taking on water. Is there any hope for Lauren and Madison?

3. Where is Lauren’s phone?

Chapter 38

1. Describe in detail how Lauren and Madison manage to escape.  (at least 3 things that happen)

2. Where do they end up?

3. Madison is now hurt and unconscious. What do you think will happen next?

4. What do you think Lauren is feeling as she sits in the hospital waiting for news of Madison’s condition.

Chapter 39

1. Lauren feels that she is to blame for Madison nearly dying. Do you think she should feel this way? Give reasons for your opinion.

2. The doctors have also pointed out to Annie and Sam old bruises on Madison’s stomach. Do you think Shelby will admit to abusing Madison?

3. Is the recurring dream that Lauren has always had just a dream or does she discover that it is a memory? How is this confirmed to her?

Chapter 40

1. The title for this chapter is Decisions. What decisions have to be made?  Are they the right ones?

2. Why do you think there is tension when Lauren’s parents arrive at the Purditts’?

3. Lauren makes her decision. Do you think she did the right thing?

On Monday 20th May  (week 21) we need to do Fanny's chapters (25-26)

Here are her questions:

Girl Missing
Chapter 25 - String

1) Having read the chapter, what do you think the title represents?

2) Why did Lauren have to go to the counsellor?

3) What did Jam promise to do?

4) Do you think that Lauren is in prison? Explain your answer.

5) Why is Lauren worried about her relationship with Jam?

6) Who does Lauren find it easier to talk to- Carla (Jam’s mother) or her own mother?
Why do you think this is?

7) Jam calms Laruen down about the situation for her UK parents. What is the best scenario? What does Lauren fear can happen to them?

8) By the end of this chapter is Lauren still sure that she has done the right thing? What things have affected the way she sees things now?

Chapter 26 – Ribbon

1) What does the yellow ribbon represent?

2) Imagine that you are Annie. What thoughts might be going through her mind at this time?

3) A very nervous start to Lauren’s new life. What words show this? Find at least THREE words to show this was not an easy meeting

4) Name some differences between Lauren’s UK and US parents.

5.What would be Lauren’s worst nightmare at this stage?

6. At the end of this chapter Lauren says that things were about to get a lot worse. What do you imagine is going to happen?

Today you will have a chance to get the same feeling as Lauren.
Check out this site.
It was on a webpage like this it all started for her..
She "felt" that something was wrong or missing..

How many children go missing every year?

Here is a search I did..

What are the main reasons kids go missing?

She was about the same age as Lauren when she went missing.

Write some thoughts (nĂ¥gra tankar) what you think happened to her..

The end of the lesson will be for preparing for Wednesday...

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