Monday 18 March 2019

A little survey about Ireland

Yesterday was the feast of St. Patrick- the patron saint of Ireland.

Today we will do a one lesson mini-project about Ireland.

Goal- Work 2 x 2 to present 5 facts about different aspects of Ireland.

Here are the areas:

1. Who was Saint Patrick?  Fanny & Edith

2. Why did Ireland struggle to be free? Clara & Chloe

3.What is Ireland's geography like? Wilma & Sonia

4. What is special about Belfast? Conor & Lucas

5. What is special about Dublin? Lisa & Mia

6. Province 1- some facts about Connacht-Ellen and Sofia

7. Province 2- some facts about Leinster- Elsa

8. Province 3- some facts about Munster- Elias & Linn

9. Province 4- Some facts about Ulster-Matilda & Ruxandra

On Wednesday after the seminar for "Girl Missing" you will give a short presentation.
Try to have some pictures to go with your facts.

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