Wednesday 6 March 2019

"Girl Missing" seminar chapters 15-17

Today Ruxandra and Ellen will guide us through chapters 15-17 of "Girl Missing". As usual, I will take notes about your participation and the questions you answer.

Firstly the questions.

Chapter 15 Girl Missing

1. Lauren and Jam now find themselves where?

2. Does the information Lauren has learned from Sonia help her in discovering who she really is?

3. Another conflict occurs between Jam and Lauren. Why?

4. What happens between them?

5. At the end of the chapter, Lauren is now all on her own. What do you think is going to happen to her?

6. “It would take me to the woman on the beach. It would take me home.” What do you think Lauren means by this?

Chapter 16

1. Lauren keeps having the same or a similar dream. Describe the dream.

2. Do you think it is just a dream or do you think it is a memory? What is the difference between a dream and a memory? Do you think they are ever the same?

3. “Little one, you found me” and “If I could only find her, then everything else would make sense. I would know who I was at last.” Discuss these quotes What do they tell us about Lauren?

4.Together, write some of your own ideas explaining how these quotes might help answer our essential question: “What does it mean to  belong?

5. Who is the “weirdo hermit butcher”? Why does Lauren describe him this way?

6. Do you think Lauren and Jam are now safe?

Chapter 17

1. Glane says, “But Lauren, this is all inside your head. It is not real.”

a. What do you think Glane is referring to?

b. Do you think this is a nice thing to say to Lauren? Why or why not?

c. Do YOU think Glane is correct and it is all inside her head? Give reasons for your answer.

2. We also discover that Jam was upset to leave Lauren on her own in the snowy woods. What does this tell you about their friendship?

3. Using any of the chapters read so far, list 2 examples of internal conflict and the character experiencing it and 2 examples of external conflict identifying the character(s) involved.

After the questions there will be 25 words taken from these chapters. All of you need to send in your next word list by the end of week 12

A reminder to Ruxandra and Ellen to send in their own answers and words to me.

After the seminar  we will go through the exercise we did last time about "Odd news" and then you will do some work on "Read Theory"

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