Wednesday 13 March 2019

"Girl Missing" chapters 18-20, Kahoot and Quiz

Today, Fia and Fideli will lead the seminar for chapters 18-20 of "Girl Missing".

We are now half-way through the novel and new things are happening in Lauren's life.

As well as the questions, they will ask about 25 words from their chapters.
EVERYONE has to send in a new digital word list by next week (week 12)

Here are the questions:
Chapter 18

1. What is Wells Canyon Lodge and where is it?

2. How do Lauren and Jam get there and what do they do when they arrive?

3. Lauren finally calls her mother from England. What is her mother’s reaction to hearing from Lauren?

4. Does Lauren’s mother tell Lauren about her childhood and how she came to be adopted?

5. Why does Lauren’s mother say: “You don’t know anything” ?

5. At the end of the chapter Lauren goes to log on to the internet. What do you think she is going to do?

Chapter 19

1. Lauren now thinks that her parents were involved in her kidnapping. Why does she believe this?

 2. Lauren’s English mum is on her way to fetch her but Lauren has other plans. What does she intend to do?

3. Who is Martha Lauren Purditt?

4. Glane says to Lauren, “This seeking out your birth family will not tell you who you are. It will only tell you if you are somebody’s missing child.” What do you think Glane means by this and do you think he might be right?

5. Glane then says, “Lauren, I think you see dreams. You are not seeing what is real. What is right under your nose.” What do you think he is trying to say to Lauren?

6. Do you think that Lauren is doing the right thing? What would you do in this situation?

Chapter 20

1. What is Evanport?  Why is this place important?

2. What two conditions did Glane require to take Lauren there?

3. How long time did it take them to drive from Wells Canyon Lodge to Evanport?

4. Why was Lauren’s heart thumping when she got out of the car?

5. Evanport was very different from the other places Lauren had visited

6. Give 3 examples of how we see that Lauren is very nervous about the coming meeting with the family she was kidnapped from…

After the questions there is a bonus Kahoot from Fia and Fideli.

Finally today we are going to do quiz number 5

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