Wednesday 28 November 2018

Girl Missing- background and chapter 2

Aims of today's lesson

  • To know some facts about missing children
  • To read (have read) chapter 1 & 2 of the novel
  • To do a worksheet for chapter 2 (reading comprehension)- see below

Eleven kan förstå det huvudsakliga innehållet och uppfatta tydliga detaljer i talad engelska i måttligt tempo samt i lättillgängliga texter i olika genrer. Eleven visar sin förståelse genom att översiktligt redogöra för, diskutera och kommentera innehåll och detaljer samt genom att med godtagbart resultat agera utifrån budskap och instruktioner i innehållet.

Today we are going to continue with our class novel "Girl Missing"
Last time we did a worksheet about chapter 1
The results were good but I am missing the work from 6 people.
If you forgot to hand it in please do so and if you were absent please catch up!
Maybe you think that this is an unusual happening.

Please look closely at the first page of the following internet site.

This means that if you take the number of people living in the whole of the district of Leksand you have to multiply it by over 50  to get the number of children missing EVERY YEAR in the world!

Here is a short clip as an introduction to "Girl Missing"

Today we continue reading "Girl Missing"
By the end of the lesson I want you to have worked on your wordlist (for this week)
and answered the questions on the worksheet
(which is on paper)

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Girl missing and writing follow-up

Aim of the lesson
Begin reading our class novel
write up new words on a digital wordlist
Get feedback on your writing assignment
Do a worksheet on Chapter 1

Today we will be starting to study our class novel-
Girl Missing by Sophie McKenzie.

We will distribute to those who were absent last time. You will have a worksheet to complete during the lesson.


  • Read chapter 1
  • Write up any new words on the wordlist for next week
  • Do the worksheet.
While we are doing this I will call you out one by one to go through the writing asignment from the test.

Good luck!

Monday 19 November 2018

We continue our speaking

  • To distribute our class novel
  • To practice speaking
  • to build up vocabulary
  • to work, systematically, on the grammar.

Welcome back after your weekend. Hope you had a good one. We will start off  today by giving out the copies of the class novel- "Girl Missing" written by Sophie McKenzie.
From now on you will not need to ask where you get the words for your word list. Our next wordlist is week 48 (next week)....
With regard to your writing, we will look at the writing part of your test on Wednesday. 
Today we want to continue to practice speaking English.

Here is the link to our list of conversation topics.

We will take number 8 today- my best friend.

To get a bit of inspiration we can listen to Cathy and Barry giving their views about what makes a good friend. The text is on page 78-79 in the Happy books.

We are going to start to work our way through the grammar section. We start today with the articles (indefinite and definite ) on page 108-09 and the plural forms on pages 110-112

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Test results, speaking, reading

Goals for today's lesson

  • To go through the word-related part of the test
  • To see how the speaking examination works in English
  • To give you some tips and ideas about the speaking test
  • To introduce our novel- Girl Missing
  • Time over- work with read theory
Today we get to check through the word-related part of the test ( I will correct and give feedback on the written part on Monday)

After that we will look briefly at the speaking part of the National test as some students will be doing it week 48/ 49

1. Information sheet
You will receive an information sheet with some instructions JUST BEFORE you do the test.

Use your time WISELY with your partner to decide how you will tackle the topic (ämne)

It is important to think of good linking phrases and words

Here is a very simple clip from Engvids to get you

Obviously you will need to ask each other questions.
How do you make the simplest of questions
What are the most common question words?
What? Why? How? Where? When? Who? How often? How much? 

HERE are some words and expressions to think about.

Try to do a conversation about:
"Planning a holiday together"

Try to record it using Quick Time Player
Ny ljudinspelning
Use alt key to pause

Finally- Next week we will begin with our class novel "Girl Missing" written by Sophie McKenzie.

It is an up-to-date theme and there are cliffhangers at the end of every chapter.

If we have any time over then please do your read theory!

Monday 12 November 2018

Quiz and read theory

Aim of Today's lesson

  • Work on words to do with current affairs (Quiz)
  • Write up any new words in your online wordlist document
  • See your progress on Read Theory
  • Do AT LEAST three (3) new texts from the homepage

Today we are going to start off with  a quiz.
Here is the document.

We will go through the answers and then look at some of the new vocabulary in the document. Don't forget to write up any new words on a digital wordlist.

Now we will go over to Read Theory

Please log in to your account. As you can see the number of texts read varies greatly. Some have not done the diagnosis to find out your level.

Today you should do at least three texts from the website.

I will check up after the lesson on your progress and results.

On Wednesday we will go through the results of the test together in class.

Monday 5 November 2018

Welcome back!

Today will be a revision lesson because on Wednesday we will be having a test based on the first unit in Happy 8- Let's talk family

Before we do that I want you to interview a person in the class you didn't meet during the holiday.

Here are some questions to ask:

What did you do during your holiday?
Where did you spend most of your time?
With whom did you spend your time?

Which of the following things did you or did you  not do(express it in the past tense)

-Go to the cinema
-Do a job
-Eat pizza
-Watch a movie
-Travel to Stockholm
-Go by train
-write a poem
-Buy some clothes
-be sick (ill)

Now we will begin with the revision
1. Let's talk family A

  • Phrases from text on page 4 (see Workbook page 4)
  • Mother and Daughter 10  adjectives to describe people on page 5 in Workbook
  • Words from text What are your parents like? on page 6 & 7 in text book.
  • Words from They make me blush on page 8 and 9
  • A text with some mistakes in to be put right
  • A listening exercise
  • A reading comprehension
  • A translation exercise from Swedish to English
THEN either

Text B OR Text C
  • Words from the text
  • A short writing assignment

To warm up you will have a Read and write exercise