Wednesday 28 November 2018

Girl Missing- background and chapter 2

Aims of today's lesson

  • To know some facts about missing children
  • To read (have read) chapter 1 & 2 of the novel
  • To do a worksheet for chapter 2 (reading comprehension)- see below

Eleven kan förstå det huvudsakliga innehållet och uppfatta tydliga detaljer i talad engelska i måttligt tempo samt i lättillgängliga texter i olika genrer. Eleven visar sin förståelse genom att översiktligt redogöra för, diskutera och kommentera innehåll och detaljer samt genom att med godtagbart resultat agera utifrån budskap och instruktioner i innehållet.

Today we are going to continue with our class novel "Girl Missing"
Last time we did a worksheet about chapter 1
The results were good but I am missing the work from 6 people.
If you forgot to hand it in please do so and if you were absent please catch up!
Maybe you think that this is an unusual happening.

Please look closely at the first page of the following internet site.

This means that if you take the number of people living in the whole of the district of Leksand you have to multiply it by over 50  to get the number of children missing EVERY YEAR in the world!

Here is a short clip as an introduction to "Girl Missing"

Today we continue reading "Girl Missing"
By the end of the lesson I want you to have worked on your wordlist (for this week)
and answered the questions on the worksheet
(which is on paper)

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