Monday 5 November 2018

Welcome back!

Today will be a revision lesson because on Wednesday we will be having a test based on the first unit in Happy 8- Let's talk family

Before we do that I want you to interview a person in the class you didn't meet during the holiday.

Here are some questions to ask:

What did you do during your holiday?
Where did you spend most of your time?
With whom did you spend your time?

Which of the following things did you or did you  not do(express it in the past tense)

-Go to the cinema
-Do a job
-Eat pizza
-Watch a movie
-Travel to Stockholm
-Go by train
-write a poem
-Buy some clothes
-be sick (ill)

Now we will begin with the revision
1. Let's talk family A

  • Phrases from text on page 4 (see Workbook page 4)
  • Mother and Daughter 10  adjectives to describe people on page 5 in Workbook
  • Words from text What are your parents like? on page 6 & 7 in text book.
  • Words from They make me blush on page 8 and 9
  • A text with some mistakes in to be put right
  • A listening exercise
  • A reading comprehension
  • A translation exercise from Swedish to English
THEN either

Text B OR Text C
  • Words from the text
  • A short writing assignment

To warm up you will have a Read and write exercise

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