Monday 19 November 2018

We continue our speaking

  • To distribute our class novel
  • To practice speaking
  • to build up vocabulary
  • to work, systematically, on the grammar.

Welcome back after your weekend. Hope you had a good one. We will start off  today by giving out the copies of the class novel- "Girl Missing" written by Sophie McKenzie.
From now on you will not need to ask where you get the words for your word list. Our next wordlist is week 48 (next week)....
With regard to your writing, we will look at the writing part of your test on Wednesday. 
Today we want to continue to practice speaking English.

Here is the link to our list of conversation topics.

We will take number 8 today- my best friend.

To get a bit of inspiration we can listen to Cathy and Barry giving their views about what makes a good friend. The text is on page 78-79 in the Happy books.

We are going to start to work our way through the grammar section. We start today with the articles (indefinite and definite ) on page 108-09 and the plural forms on pages 110-112

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